Averills in Our Lifetime

Averill People
  • Valerie Averill - A salute to Valerie S. Averill, PhD
  • Robert Averill on Father's Dayin 2010 as remembered by Linda. Earlier, she also remembered his  birthday
  • Grandad Rice was a silversmith in Seattle - and in Victoria before that
  • Averill Cousins at Christmas in Illinois
  • Jennifer Averill was  SO CUTE - she reminds us of what it was to be a Patches Pal. Earlier, she planned to become a skier.
  • Tanner is following in mom & dad's footsteps - you can see the grin on his face here.
  • Abbey Averill posted so she could keep Texas Tech up with the Husky Band
  • Mystery Girl - There's one Averill girl in a photo at Granny Rice's birthday. But who is it?
Averill Places
Averill Stuff
  • Grandma Averill liked to collect stuff, some of it wound up in Las Vegas
  • Our family had some memorable cars - here is one, here is another one.
Averill Animals
  • Hank - Nancy and Steve's first dog together
    • Our Dog Inky - Passed away at the dog year equivalent of a 115 year-old human
    • Pal - Our name for "Napalean Batman Solo."
    • Rumbo had a bobbed tail and he learned to grin. We all remember that.
    • Snoopy was the cute dog that wan't spoiled by all the attention paid to him