Cracking Open the Archives

Prompted by an email request from Laura; namely:
"Hi Steve-
I have some slides I want to scan-  I bought a little $50 scanner - see first attachment (the 4MB file)and it looks terrible.  So then I backlight the slide and took a photo with my cel phone-  (the 1.5MB file)and it looks better than the scan.   Do you know of a scanner thats not expensive that would do a better job than the cel phone?

any suggestions are welcome

Well, that caused me to crack open the Robert Averill slide archives and look at a couple of slides. In the area labeled as "Seattle World's Fair," I found the photo at the top of this post. Somehow, I don't think the Seattle World's Fair had moved to Cedar Breaks National Monument in the summer of 1969. We still hear stories of the big Keno win.

Still, it shows how dad looked back in the day, when we all thought he was really OLD. Who knows what will appear from the bins labeled "Korea?"