Family Headings First Cut

Updated on July 19, 2018. Mostly to skim down families we may have no paper records of.

Averill A-2
Barry B-1
Bates B-2
Bemis B-3
Burlinghame B-4
Burton B-5
Cogswell C-1
Conkle C-2
Copestock C-3
Corbin C-4
Dale D-1
Elliott E-1
Emley E-2
Erickson E-3
Ettinger E-4
Faloon F-1
Farr F-2
Glazier G-1
Glenn G-2
Griffen G-3
Hendee H-1
Hinton H-2
Hopkinson H-3
Hutchinson H-4
Hyde H-5
Ibbotson I-1
Jackson J-1
Jacobs J-2
Joy J-3
Knight K-1
Mighell M-1
Osgood O-1
Peterson P-1
Phillips P-2
Rice R-1
Scarborough S-1
Schmidt S-2
Snell S-3
Thompson T-1
Thorne T-2
Tuft T-3
Waldo W-1
Weakley W-2
Whitworth W-3